Complaints Procedure
This policy was last updated on: 6th January 2023
At in2bet, keeping our players happy, entertained and above all safe is what we’re all about.
Good sportsmanship is key, on the field and off it. Sports betting is a results game and they won’t always go your way. But you should always feel like you’ve been listened to and treated fairly and with respect, according to the rules of the game. Those are the very minimum expectations we place upon ourselves.
We know and understand that our players will have high expectations of in2bet too. Unfortunately, there might be times when we don’t meet those expectations. If that happens, we want to know about it. So if you wish to make a complaint, you can contact us at any time 24/7, in the following ways:
Once we’ve received your complaint, we’ll investigate it thoroughly and our goal is to respond within 48 hours, hopefully to your satisfaction.
The National Betting Authority
In case you do not agree with our final decision, you can forward your complaint to the Cyprus National Betting Authority (complaints@nba.gov.cy).
The authority regulates all betting activity in Cyprus and in2bet is obliged to comply with their decision.
The Procedure for Submission and Examination of Complaints submitted to the National Betting Authority of Cyprus is as follows:
1. A three-member committee has been set up to examine complaints or infringements. The committee has the authority to hear any witnesses and to receive written statements from those involved who must provide any relevant information or evidence.
2. The grievance process is as follows:
a) A copy of the possible infringement or complaint is sent to the licence holder against whom the complaint is lodged.
b) The person against whom the complaint is lodged is called upon to submit his position, in person or in writing.
c) The Commission may:
i. Summon witnesses and request their presence, the presence of the person against whom the complaint is lodged, as well as that of the complainant.
ii. Accept any testimony, written or oral, even if this testimony would not have been accepted in civil or criminal proceedings.
iii. Request the presentation of any document or other evidence related to the case.
d) The person against whom the complaint is lodged has the right to apply the following procedure if so requested by the committee:
i. Submit a written statement to the Authority and / or to the complainant in the form of a response to the complaint.
ii. Submit to the Authority and / or the complainant copies of any relevant document in its possession, either an original document or a certified copy thereof, as well as any correspondence between the two parties concerned with the complaint or the infringement.
Subsequently, after the completion of the above procedure, the three-member committee shall submit its findings to the Authority, fully reasoned and shall also submit all relevant evidence for taking of a decision.
If, on the basis of the finding and the data before the Authority, it is found that there is a violation of the terms of the licence, then the Authority shall take appropriate action.
The decision of the Authority shall be notified in writing to the two parties concerned.
The website is operated by the company I.T.S Infinity Technology Solutions CY Ltd with registration number HE 399558 and registered office at Arch. Makariou III Street, 80, Panos Englezos Building, 5th floor, Address/Gr. 500, 1077 Nicosia, Cyprus. The company's activities are licensed and supervised by the National Betting Authority (NBA) under the licence of Class B Bookmaker B016 which is valid from February 10, 2025 until February 9, 2027. Frequent participation in gambling exposes participants to the risk of addiction and loss of property. Play Responsibly. Gambling by individuals under the age of 18 is strictly prohibited by law.

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