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in2Bet is dedicated to transforming the betting industry through innovation, integrity, and exceptional customer service. We prioritize responsible gaming and are committed to fostering a safe environment for all our users.
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I.T.S Infinity Technology Solutions CY Limited, a company incorporated in Cyprus under company number HE 399558 with its registered address Arch. Makariou III, 80, Panou Englezou Building, 5th Floor, Flat/Office 500, 1077, Nicosia Cyprus and is regulated by the National Betting Authority of Cyprus (NBA).
NBA License Number: B016
Infinity Technology Solutions operate under the trademark of in2bet.com.cy
Leading the way in the future of betting with an extensive range of sports and exceptional customer service.
The website is operated by the company I.T.S Infinity Technology Solutions CY Ltd with registration number HE 399558 and registered office at Arch. Makariou III Street, 80, Panos Englezos Building, 5th floor, Address/Gr. 500, 1077 Nicosia, Cyprus. The company's activities are licensed and supervised by the National Betting Authority (NBA) under the licence of Class B Bookmaker B016 which is valid from February 10, 2023 until February 9, 2025. Frequent participation in gambling exposes participants to the risk of addiction and loss of property. Play Responsibly. Gambling by individuals under the age of 18 is strictly prohibited by law.

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