Bet Types
Bet Types
A Single is a bet on 1 selection. Your selection must be successful to have a return.
Combi Bets
A bet involving two or more selections. The returns from the first selection are invested on the second selection, the returns from which are invested on the third selection, and so on until the bet finishes. Based on the number of selections made, Combi bets are named as follows: Double, Treble, Fourfold, Fivefold, Sixfold, Sevenfold, Eightfold, Ninefold, Accumulator n.
A Trixie consists of 4 bets involving 3 selections in different events, 3 Doubles and 1 Treble. Any two winning selections guarantee a return. If any 2 of your selections win, 1 of the Double bets gives a return. If all 3 of your selections win, all 3 of the Doubles, and the Treble give a return.
A Patent consists of 7 bets involving 3 selections in different events, 3 Singles, 3 Doubles and 1 Treble. Any one winning selection guarantees a return. If any 1 of your selections wins, 1 of the Single bets gives a return. If any 2 selections win, 2 of the Single bets and 1 of the Doubles give a return. If all 3 selections win, then all 3 Singles, all 3 Doubles and the Treble give a return.
A Yankee consists of 11 bets involving 4 selections in different events, 6 Doubles, 4 Trebles and 1 Fourfold. Any two winning selections guarantee a return. If any 2 of your selections win, 1 of the Doubles gives a return. If any 3 selections win, 3 of the Double bets and 1 of the Trebles give a return. If all 4 selections win, then all 6 Doubles, 4 Trebles and the Fourfold give a return.
Lucky 15
A Lucky 15 consists of 15 bets involving 4 selections in different events, 4 Singles, 6 Doubles, 4 Trebles and 1 Fourfold. Any one winning selection guarantees a return. If any 1 of your selections wins, 1 of the Single bets gives a return. If any 2 of your selections win, 2 of the Single bets and 1 of the Doubles give a return. If any 3 selections win, 3 of the Singles, 3 of the Doubles and 1 of the Trebles give a return. If all 4 selections win, then all 4 Singles, 6 Doubles, 4 Trebles and the Fourfold give a return.
A Canadian consists of 26 bets involving 5 selections in different events, 10 Doubles, 10 Trebles, 5 Fourfolds and 1 Fivefold. Any two winning selections guarantee a return.
Lucky 31
A Lucky 31 consists of 31 bets involving 5 selections in different events, 5 Singles, 10 Doubles, 10 Trebles and 5 Fourfolds and 1 Fivefold. Any one winning selection guarantees a return.
A Heinz consists of 57 bets involving 6 selections in different events, 15 Doubles, 20 Trebles, 15 Fourfolds, 6 Fivefolds and 1 Sixfold. Any two winning selections guarantee a return.
Lucky 63
A Lucky 63 consists of 63 bets involving 6 selections in different events, 6 Singles, 15 Doubles, 20 Trebles, 15 Fourfolds, 6 Fivefolds and 1 Sixfold. Any one winning selection guarantees a return.
Super Heinz
A Super Heinz consists of 120 bets involving 7 selections in different events, 21 Doubles, 35 Trebles, 35 Fourfolds, 21 Fivefolds, 7 Sixfolds and 1 Sevenfold. Any two winning selections guarantee a return.
A Goliath consists of 247 bets involving 8 selections in different events, 28 Doubles, 56 Trebles, 70 Fourfolds, 56 Fivefolds, 28 Sixfolds, 8 Sevenfolds and 1 Eightfold. Any two winning selections guarantee a return.
Super Goliath
A Super Goliath consists of 502 bets involving 9 selections in different events, 36 Doubles, 84 Trebles, 126 Fourfolds, 126 Fivefolds, 84 Sixfolds, 36 Sevenfolds and 9 Eightfolds and one Ninefold. Any two winning selections guarantee a return.
The website is operated by the company I.T.S Infinity Technology Solutions CY Ltd with registration number HE 399558 and registered office at Arch. Makariou III Street, 80, Panos Englezos Building, 5th floor, Address/Gr. 500, 1077 Nicosia, Cyprus. The company's activities are licensed and supervised by the National Betting Authority (NBA) under the licence of Class B Bookmaker B016 which is valid from February 10, 2025 until February 9, 2027. Frequent participation in gambling exposes participants to the risk of addiction and loss of property. Play Responsibly. Gambling by individuals under the age of 18 is strictly prohibited by law.

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